Top Home Health and Hospice Provider
Find out why.
Residential Can Meet Virtually Any Home Care Need
From Residential Home Health’s nursing and rehabilitative therapy services, to palliative-focused care with Comfort Path and Palliative Nurse Practitioners, to the physical, emotional, and spiritual support of Residential Hospice.
From Residential home health and hospice nursing and therapy services, to palliative-focused care, to the physical, emotional, and spiritual support of our interdisciplinary teams, more hospitals, physicians, and nursing facilities refer to Residential than any other agency.
- Helping skilled nursing facilities and physicians significantly lower patient hospital readmissions
- Transitional care nurses assist patients as they navigate through the continuum of care
- Specialized clinical programs drive market-leading outcomes
- Our clinicians have an average of 10+ years of direct patient care experience

Already A Residential Healthcare Group Provider?
Need to review an order, enter a referral, access reporting and patient information? If you are already a member please sign-in to your Provider Link account to manage your data.
Looking for a Demo?
Login to the Demo Portal below. If you do not have a User ID for the Demo Portal, please email or call (866) 902-4000.
Residential Home Health’s Partner Portal enables you to:
- Review and approve home care orders with an electronic signature
- Process Face to Face encounters for your Medicare patients
- Track your billable patients so you can bill for certifications (GO 180),
recertifications (GO 179), and home health care supervision (GO 181) - Access your patients’ clinical record 24/7
Residential Home Health
Residential Home Health is a nationally recognized provider of home care services, including nursing and therapy (physical, occupational, and speech), supporting patients with care management and compliance.

Residential collaborates with patients’ physicians to develop home health care plans and ensure timely and regular physician follow-up visits.

Transitional Nurse Liaisons work with facility care managers to help patients succeed by understanding their unique needs and coordinating services and medical equipment for a smooth transition home.
Disease education
Home safety review and recommendations
Medication management
Strength and balance exercises
Residential Home Health with Palliative Focus
Comfort Path is Residential Home Health’s palliative-focused program that provides additional pain and symptom management for patients still seeking curative or rehabilitate treatments.

- Frequent hospitalizations
- Difficulty managing a chronic illness
- Gradual or sudden decline in health
- Side effects from treatment
- Lack of appetite or nausea

As part of the Comfort Path program, dedicated Journey Counselors assist patients with advanced care planning and transitions to appropriate levels of care.

In collaboration with patients’ physicians, Residential Palliative Nurse Practitioners consult on pain and symptom management and discuss end-of-life care options.
Residential Hospice
Providing expert medical care, pain and symptom management, and support to patients during their end-of-life journey.

Residential Hospice is our highest level of care and provides expert medical care, pain and symptom management, and support to patients during their end-of-life journeys with a team of hospice and palliative care-certified physicians, nurse practitioners, social workers, and spiritual care counselors.

Residential Hospice manages pain and symptoms by incorporation both a medical and holistic approach. Massage, music, and aroma therapies are offered when appropriate to address the physical and emotional needs of each patient.
Our focus is on comfort and dignity, with:
- In-home consultations about the hospice benefit
- Individualized care plans developed with each patient’s physician
- All needs addressed 24/7/365 by dedicated hospice nurses and clinicians
- Support for spiritual, community, and bereavement needs.
- A proactive approach to educating the patient and family on disease progression and management
- Certified nurse aide visits providing personal care and companionship