Hospice Foundation

Your gifts provide families with hospice services and emotional relief.

Honor Your Loved One by Gifting Others Hospice Care

Your donation will help a patient or family dealing with the emotional and financial stress of a life-limiting illness.

The Residential Hospice Foundation is dedicated to educating the community, prospective hospice patients, and their families about end-of-life issues, grief, and the bereavement process. Contributions help families to receive the hospice care they need even when they are underinsured or do not have insurance.

We are a Michigan nonprofit corporation (MICS No. 50035). The Foundation is recognized as a tax-exempt organization under Section 501(C)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.

All contributions to the Foundation will be used in furtherance of the Foundation’s mission, which is to assure the promise of hospice by increasing access to hospice care, helping communities understand the truth about hospice, and providing financial assistance to hospice patients and their caregivers.

For more information, please call the Residential Hospice Foundation at (866)902-5854.